BASE offers skills training program to workers on Carpentry and Masonry prior to the construction of a project. The program is facilitated by TESDA instructors and NC II certification will be granted after successfully completing the training program.
Copy of Birth Certificate authenticated by NSO
Copy of High School or College Diploma
Certified true copy of Transcript of Records or Form 137
1×1 or 2×2 Pictures
Certification of Good Moral Character
18 to 45 years old;
Able to read and write;
With good moral character;
Ability to communicate, both oral and written;
Physically and mentally fit
CPD Program
BASE offers Continuing Professional Development Program (CPD) for architects and civil engineers. Base resident experts share their expertise on the bamboo housing technology and alternative construction material.
Duly accomplished registration form
Civil Engineer or Architect (for CPD units)
Students, researchers or members of technical team are also welcome to participate
Contractor Accreditation
To expand the engagement in building sustainable bamboo houses, BASE invites interested PCAB-licensed housing contractors to engage in bamboo house building. (Offering soon)