Bamboo Material Characterisation
David J A Trujillo, Coventry University
Luis Felipe López, Base Bahay Foundation Inc.
This chapter serves to summarise the state of the art in the process of material characterisation of bamboo for structural purposes. It also seeks to outline the key characteristics a bamboo researcher or engineer would need to identify for this purpose. The morphological and anatomical characteristics of the bamboo culm are briefly presented. Trends observed by researchers in terms of the effects of density, age, and moisture content on strength and stiffness are presented, as well as the variation of these along the bamboo culm. The importance of considering geometrical in characterisation, as well as physical and mechanical properties, are discussed. Testing procedures and standards are presented to the reader and critically appraised. Published values for Guadua Angustifolia are reported for reference. A process of deriving design values from experimentally derived values is discussed. Suggestions for further research are presented.